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Solas Eige SCIO: do you want to know more? 

SOLAS EIGE is a SCIO - a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Association

Definition of community and purposes:formed for the public benefit of the Community of the isle of Eigg as defined by post code (“the Community”), with the Purposes below to be exercised following the principles of sustainable development (where sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs).

The purposes: 

1/ Promote and facilitate a collaborative approach to social, cultural and economic development on the isle of Eigg, using the church of Scotland building and land

2/ Promote the cultural and natural heritage of the Isle of Eigg

3/ Promote advancement of the arts on the isle of Eigg

4/ Promote understanding of climate change

5/ Promote inter-denominational and inter-faith spiritual growth and harmony, including use of the building for worship, weddings and funerals.


​ The SCIO has the power to do anything which is calculated to further it purposes:

 1/To encourage and develop a spirit of voluntary or other commitment by, or co-operation with, Individuals, unincorporated associations, societies, federations, partnerships, corporate bodies, agencies, undertakings, local authorities, unions, co-operatives, trusts and others and any groups or groupings thereof willing to assist the Organisation to achieve the Purposes.

2/ To promote and carry out research, surveys and investigations and to promote, develop and manage initiatives, projects and programmes.

3/ To prepare, organise, promote and implement training courses, exhibitions, lectures, seminars, conferences, events and workshops

4/ To register an interest in land and to exercise the right to buy land under Part 2 or Part 3A of the Land Reform Act 2003 or to exercise the right to buy land under Part 5 of the Land Reform Act 2016.

Organisation and management 

The Organisation shall have not fewer than 20 Members  at any time.

At least three quarters of the Members  of the Organisation are members of the Community.

The affairs, Property and funds of the Organisation shall be directed and managed by the Board of trustees

Board of trustees: 

up to 6 (min 3) Individuals elected as Charity Trustees by the Ordinary Members at AGM

up to 1 Individual appointed by Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust or Small Community Council or Highland Council

up to 2 individual co-opted to ensure a spread of skills and experience within the Board


The Members of the Organisation have no liability to pay any sums to help to meet the debts (or other liabilities) of the Organisation if it is wound up; accordingly, if the Organisation is unable to meet its debts, the Members  will not be held responsible.

Cost of membership

Membership is free through filling the required form. 

More information

To view the full constitution, please click here.

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